BFL board of director’s visit to “Home of Faith”

BFL board of director’s visit to “Home of Faith”

It has been exciting days, ever since I got involved with Befriend Life Foundation. The floodgates for serving, sharing & caring for people was opened with BFL on the 20th March 2022 with the activity- SWASTHYA at the Home of faith in Bangalore.

Though I was excited to be part of the activity but after seeing and interacting with those young girls at *Home of faith* I had a blend of emotions flowing through my body – I felt thankful to have a family, to have parents.

The kids of 10 to 14 years old who have never known/seen their parents. Imagine when you wake one day at that young age and your family is gone. There is no one you can truly call as yours and there is no place to go!  Scary right?

Without emotional support and keeping aside their pains undergone at such a young age the children were strong enough to smile through life. It was amazing to hear from them their ambitions/dreams to achieve. They were so energetic and were happy to see us.

I must say that Mr. Narayan who is taking care of them – rather I should say who is parenting is simply the GOD SENT PERSON. A School teacher who left his job to take care of these needy children and his love and affections to those kids is unimaginable. Can’t measure his selfless act and his determination to provide a good life to them not merely providing two square meals but ensuring to provide education to them.

Our Volunteers were so excited and felt happy to be among those kids and were excited to be part of BFL.

The kids were excited and insanely happy with our visit and enjoyed interacting with us. The feeling was magical to us.  As we started to leave and that moment when they all screamed “Thank you!” was insane.


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